Monday 15 February 2010

It's Family Day - A real holiday in Ontario

It's 'Family Day' today in Ontario.  Shortly I will be off to London to visit with my sister Shelley (the one in the red shirt) and her family.  We are going to cook, eat, chat and just plain enjoy each other's company.  Will take the blocks I have stitched for the 'Bernat Knit along' to get some pointers from her before stitching them together.

My other sister, Nancy (the one in the red scarf that I knit her, and also does the blog "Give Away a Dollar A Day" lives in Calgary Albera, so she will be attending in spirit.  She said on her blog yesterday, that when she gives away a 'loonie' we win a gold medal.  She is going to give away a whole bunch more 'loonies'.  (A loonie is the affectionate nickname for a Canadian one dollar coin, whereas a twoonie, is a two dollar coin).

So, everyone go hug your family and give them kisses.  Happy Family Day.


Dorte H said...

I wish you a happy family day!

Most of my family is away skiing somewhere so I cannot hug them until March when we have our annual family weekend. My brother won´t join us this year, though, as he is in Greenland. So perhaps you could give him a hug, you are much closer than I am :D

Miri said...

Happy Family Day and Go Canada!

Jill said...

How come you guys get Family Day? I feel left out down here in the U.S. I guess we'll have to make our own. :-) Have a great day!