Friday 9 July 2010

The Neddiad: How Neddie Took the Train, Went to Hollywood, and Saved Civilization by Daniel Pinkwater

I have to start off by telling you why I sought out this book.  I was minding my own business one morning and reading a post from Shelf Awareness and came across a listing for a new book.  It contained a blurb by Neil Gaiman that highly recommended this author.  Now mind you, I haven't read any books by Mr. Gaiman, though have listened to a few interviews with him and have been quite impressed.  I decided that I would look up this author and try and figure out why he was so highly recommended.  My library had a copy  of this particular book, so I requested it and am extremely pleased that I did.

This story is set after World War II in approximately 1950.  Young Neddie Wentworthstein and his family are moving west to Los Angeles.  While on the train Neddie meets an assortment of interesting characters.  On a stop  in Albuquerque he meets a Navajo shaman who gives him a small stone carving of a turtle and implores Neddie to take care of it.  This is where his adventures really begin.  First he misses his train andhas to stay the night in  haunted hotel, then he travels to the...  Oh wait, I can't tell you all these fun details, you have to read this story for yourself.  The action is fast paced and totally entertaining for both adults and children. 

This book is full of adventure, magic and the making of solid friendships.  I really liked the sections where the kids use their imagination and deal with a new bully to their school.  I highly recommend this book for both boys and girls in the eight to twelve age groups, though parents, go ahead and read it as well. 

The story continues in The Yggyssey: How Iggy wondered what Happened to All the Ghosts, Found out where they Went, and Went There.

Author Daniel Pinkwater's website

Photo Credits:
Brown Derby Restaurant - Historic Photo Archive
La Brea Tar Pits -
Steam Calliope - Circus History

1 comment:

Dorte H said...

This one sounds charming, and what a delicious cover.