Sunday 22 January 2012

Getting Back on Track

I wonder what Mr. Potato Head feels like when he starts to fall to pieces.  Imagine your eyes won't stay on, or your mouth starts to droop at one corner. I've rather been in that quandry regarding my book reviews for quite some time now.  I have been reading books and posting the occasional reveiw. There are more books that I've read and not reviewed and I don't quite know how to resolve this.

Life did toss a couple of fairly big lemons at me last year and I am still working through those issues.   No excuses though, life sucks at times, yet we still have to move forward. Other parts of my life are mostly back on track and now it is time to get to the book blogging part.  In the next few weeks I'll work through that back log.  Should prove interesting to look back over those books with the perspective of time to mellow my responses.  Will I still feel the same about all those stories?   A few I do think that I want to re-read, but doubt time will permit much of that.  One book was a 36 hour audio book, not a chance of re-listening.

I'm glad that my readers have stuck with me so far.  Hang around a bit longer, I've been reading all sorts of genres. Perhaps one will be your favourite, or I might introduce you to a book that you didn't even know you'd been yearning to read.

This pie picture has nothing to do with my reading, I just think it's terrific and wish I could say that I made it.  Nope, daughter found it online somewhere, wish I could tell you where.

Until tomorrow's review....


Felicity Grace Terry said...

Good luck with the working through of those issues. I look forward to catching up on your reviews.

Marie said...

I'm in pretty much the same boat. I feel like I'm behind in everything with little chance of catching up. Maybe one day...

Hang in there.

Love that blueberry pie! It looks good enough to eat. I'd love to think that a good slice of pie could make it all better.