Tuesday 14 June 2016

Needlework Tuesday - Those secret projects

Every so often I find myself trying to stitch a project in secret.  No, it's not because I spent an outrageous amount on the supplies rather that I want it to be surprise for the recipient.

No secrets revealed. Yarn for mystery projectl
Why do I have such trouble with these items.  If the future recipient doesn't live with me, no sweat. As long as I don't blog about it, the secret is safe.  It's when he or she lives with me that I run into trouble.  I always start with the most reasonable of plans.  I'll stitch when that person is at school or work, and put it away before dinner time and the person's arrival home.  That works for  a few days and then I fall off the plan and the project gets lost into some sort of limbo.  It can then reside there for weeks or even months on end.  One day recently daughter picked up the bag by my chair.  She asked what was in this bag that had been sitting there for over a year.  eeks, a surprise, don't look.

Had it really been that long. wow, I'd better get moving on it.  Since that exchange a few weeks ago, I have worked on it a total of twice.  The worst thing is that there is probably less than two hours of stitching left on it.  Oh why is it still languishing.   It's not the only long term mystery project in the house either. There are at least two more that I can remember, though I wouldn't be surprised to find out there are more.

I'm not making any promises that I'll get working on them, I wanted to acknowledge their existance  and remind myself of why I started them in the first place.  The reasons are still valid and I know I will be as thrilled with them when they are eventually completed as I would have been had I completed them right away.  I can only hope that admitting they exist will jog others memories that they might also have secret projects that they have forgotten about.

Dare I ask you to share your secret projects, perhaps one that has already been completed and delivered.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

I hope that you are making progress on whatever project is dear to your heart at this moment.  Mister Linky is waiting below for a link to your current post.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Great post, Heather. Since I only knit/craft for myself, it would be really hard for me to do a secret project. Although, now that I think about it, my middle-aged brain has been forgetting a lot lately, so perhaps a secret project isn't that far-fetched. ;)

I'll use this post to remind myself to take a peak in the bags surrounding my craft area. Who knows what I'll find!!