Saturday 7 May 2011

You Can't Outsource Weight Loss by Capt. Ed Boullianne

 Back in the end of March I received an email asking me if I wanted to review a book about weight loss.  At first I was a bit skeptical as weight loss programs tend to be gimmicky and require you to purchase little tiny meals for huge amounts of money.  I was curious about the whole title: You Can't Outsource* Weight Loss... But you Can Lose Weight and Be think Forever   *with a pill or meal delivered to your door.  by Capt Ed Boullianne.  That sounded better and more in line with my way of thinking.  I re-read the promotional material and then checked for a website.  It looked good, and I decided to request a review copy.

I told the promoter that I would not only read and review the book, but that I would also give the program an honest try.  I'm too much over weight and it does have an impact on my life.  I don't like being overweight and I am ready to make changes and get rid of this weight.

When the book arrived I put it on open view on top of my bookshelf and looked at it every day.  For at least two weeks I tempted and teased myself with the book.  Finally I was ready, and I opened the book and read The Forward and then Ed's opening comments.  I liked what I read.   This line in particular struck me as being pivotal:
If your goal is permanent weight loss, there's no sense in beginning the process until you understand weight loss in a holistic sense.
I needed to know why I gained weight, was it over eating, eating bad choices, lack of activity etc.   Again, this made total sense, but I had not stopped to figure this out before.  I had kept little journals recording everything I ate and then stopped when I ran out of calories for the day.  But as soon as I stopped using my little notes, I would gain weight. 

At this point I sent an email off to Ed and explaining who I was and how I was going to approach my review.  I also told him my goal of losing enough weight to successfully run a long distance race with my sister.  Within about 20 minutes I had a very encouraging response from him. 

I did as he suggested and immediately read chapters 2 and 3.  Five basic truths form the basis.  I would need to understand the truth about my self and my eating before I could successfully lose weight.  Number 3: Listen to your body, seems evident, you only eat when you are hungry, so why do I eat even when I'm not hungry.  Chapter 3 is a self assessment to determine what I needed to focus on.    I am working on this.  It does look as though I am an emotional eater, but I will continue with this.

I did flip ahead through out the book and came across the Food Stoplight Charts.  Green light foods are really good for you, yellow light foods should be eaten in moderation with attention paid to serving size and red light foods should be eaten only occasionally.  I'm looking forward to reading more about each grouping.  I printed these out from Ed's website, choosing to use coloured papers so I have no excuse for failing to see them on the counter.

I encourage my readers to join with me over the next few months while I work with this book and lose weight.  These won't be regular scheduled posts, rather I'll post when I have something to share with you.  I've added a new label: weight loss , that you can use to search for these posts.


Beth F said...

I wholeheartedly support your efforts. It can be so difficult to keep off weight. I'll be following your progress.

JoAnn said...

This sounds like a very sensible approach - good luck, Heather!

TheBookGirl said...

Add my best wishes for your success with this program :)

The author definitely sounds like a committed person; the fact that he responded so quickly says alot. From what you describe, the program seems very reasonable; I will look forward to reading your update posts.

Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook said...

Good luck, it seems like a very do-able program! Wishing you much success with it.

Ed said...

Heather, I will be looking forward to hearing of your progress in the weeks and months ahead. If you look at most of the weight loss books on Amazon, they are all still touting "quick" fixes. The reality though, is that it took me 34 weeks (7 months) to lose 34 pounds, but I have maintained the same weight for nearly 7 years. As you work through the book, you'll find that all the skills you develop to lose weight, will be the same ones you will use to maintain your weight and function in the real world……Forever!
All the best,
Ed Boullianne
Author / Presenter
You Can’t Outsource Weight Loss

Miri said...

Drat! LOL! all my favorite foods are on the red sheet!

I like that this book makes you look at yourself and what food/eating means. I realized several years ago that if I eat carbs in the morning I'm hungry all day so now I just have cottage cheese or some other protein for breakfast. It really made a difference for me.

Good luck!