Tuesday 17 May 2011

Needlework Tuesday - Embroidery with Metallic Threads

Finally made it to that lovely metallic embroidery thread.  As I was warned, not the easiest to work with.  It does look good, so I will persevere. 

I couldn't use the stitches I had used with the floss, this metallic stuff is stiffer.  For the title row 'Quilt Bee' I used two strands.  I used a running stitch in one direction and then another in the other direction to fill in the gaps.

The capital letters beside the bullets and done in the same manner with one strand.

There are lots of great stitch instructions to be found at the Embroiderer's Guild website Stitch with the Embroiderer's Guild.  There is a diagram on the Kreinik website on how to thread your needle so the metallic thread doesn't slip while you work.  It's the first diagram on the right hand side.

My mother is going to machine embroider a block for the quilt.  I sent her some samples of the fabrics so she will be better able to match thread colours. 

I didn't get much stitching this week, and again hope that next week will be better.  I can't keep my fingers crossed as it's too difficult to hold the needles.

How did you do with your projects this week? 

Marie at Daisy's Book Journal is still sitting high and dry, safe from the flood waters.  Yippee.  All your well wishes for her must have been heard.

Rikki over at Rikki's Teleidoscope has a post about bag inserts.  This is new to me so I had to check her earlier post for details.

Sherrie at Just Books, has almost finished her lovely doily.  She has inspired me to find a pattern for a small item and give this craft a try once again.


Miri said...

Looking good! Thanks for the tip on threading metalics-I haven't used them for a while-I lost patience with all the thread breaking and stretching.

Marie said...

I like the metallic thread! It's so sparkly. I believe you when you say it's hard to work with. I think it would drive me bonkers. Anyway, it's very nice.

Thanks for mentioning me even though I haven't been posting a Needlework Tuesday for a few weeks. I hope to get back to crafting soon. ;)

Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
I've worked with metallic thread while I was doing counted cross stitch. I didn't really like it, the thread seems to separate easily. I've never tried it on embroidery. I like how it makes the words shiney. I've posted my Needlework Tuesday, still working on the doily. Have a great day!

Just Books

Felicity Grace Terry said...

I had no idea such a thing was available. I can imagine it is hard to work with but the result is worth it.

Rikki said...

I sometimes used gold and silber metallic thread and it was no fun at all. Too stiff for my taste!
Thanks for adding a link to my bag inserts, even though they have nothing to do with needlework at all, :).

Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
It's me again. You asked what size thread and needle I was using for my doily. Size 10 thread and size 7 steel crochet hook. If you know the basics of crochet you can do this. It just takes lots of time making a doily. The bigger it is the longer it takes to get around the darn thing. Have a great day!

Just Books

Martha@Hey, I want to read that said...

What beautiful work and such a good look with the metallic thread. I love watching your progress.