Tuesday 10 April 2012

Needlework Tuesday - Dropped Stitching

Needlework Tuesday is open to all readers looking for inspiration, encouragement or who want to share their recent needlework project. Introduce yourself in the comments and be sure to leave a link to your current post. Feel free to grab the cute little mouse for your post.

I had a good but busy weekend which left little time for needlework.  I did sew on my Faded Charms quilt, in fact I got sew carried away that I sewed sixty too many four patch blocks.  oops, lots of un-stitching.  Next I stitched the border that is one block wide and I had way too many 2 1/2 inch charms left over.  I haven't laid out the entire quilt, so not sure what happened there.  I am still pondering whether I want to make the quilt longer.  Have to check the standard length of a twin size quilt and decide. 

I have decided to use a stitch as you go method for quilting, but darned it I can find the particular book I want to use.  It is titled Beautiful Quilts as you Go by Keryn Emmerson.  Now if someone could direct me to where I have it safely stored in my house, I'd be ever so grateful.

No knitting this week, though  I did carry it with me when I went to my parents on Thursday and Friday, even pulled it out to show it to my mom, but didn't some much as knit one stitch.  Guess it won't be hard to do better this week. 

I'm not concerned about putting the stitching on the back burner.  It was great to have the family for Easter dinner and then to have more friends over on Monday for lunch.  I did show my friend the chicken/rooster fabrics I have been collecting to make her a quilt or two.  She will have to help as she is a quite capable seamstress, though she hasn't sewn a quilt, yet.

I cleared all my sewing supplies off my dining room table in order to set it up for eating.  Mom and I tried to keep the supplies for each project together, but who knows until I start sewing again.  They could be in any of four rooms.  Perhaps I'll find the missing book as I search out the various pieces.  I'll keep my fingers virtually crossed.

Good to hear some comments from my readers last week.  Seems that quite a few of us use our various stitchings to relax.   I am curious whether you have been working on any projects specifically with spring in mind?  It won't be scarf season for much longer (in the northern hemisphere) though shawls work well all year long.  What do you have on your needles?

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Sorry for so much un-sewing at your house. If you have more than you need for Fading Charms, I will be sharing another, smaller charm quilt in the next week or so...not that any of us need another project, but I thought I would mention it.