Sunday 1 December 2013

Weekend Cooking - Sweet as Honey

Last week I received this sweet package in the mail.  I was an early bird winner in a contest on the Billy Bee Facebook page.  I think I am set for a while.  Tea is my all time favourite place to use honey, but mixed with peanut butter and spread on toast comes a close second.
Once I had the pleasure of tasting orange honey, I thought my taste buds had gone to heaven.
Things you might not know about honey:
  • it has antiseptic qualities that are helpful in fighting infection in wounds
  • has a very long shelf life, over twenty years, if it smells yeasty when you open the container, leave the lid off for few hours and it's good to eat
  • it is not recommended to serve honey to babies or very young children
Two questions for my readers:
1 How's your favourite way to consume honey?
2 is there a flavoured honey that you particularly enjoy?
For more foodie fun, be sure to visit Beth Fish Reads for her Weekend Cooking Post.  While there, add a link to your food related post.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I always use honey in my granola mix instead of sugar - other than that the main use is with peanut butter in my family - I haven't really tried it in tea

Marie said...

YUM-O! Lucky you. My favourite way to eat honey is on bread/toast with margarine. I usually buy the creamed one. Unfortunately, I don't eat much bread anymore, so my consumption of honey is way down. It's my go-to comfort food when I have a cold.

I haven't tried too many flavoured ones; I'm not sure I'd even like them. If I can find it, I buy buckwheat honey, my absolute favourite honey...hands down. It's got a wonderful distinct colour and flavour. Some people find it a little strong, but not me. It's OMG good.

Anonymous said...

I just love to have honey in my tea! And like you, I like peanut butter and honey on toast.

Something that surprises me is that some people don't know that if your honey crystallizes in the jar, you can put it in the microwave to melt it again.

-Awesome Aud

Beth F said...

Nothing beats tupelo honey in my opinion, I afore peanut butter and honey, though these days I have to eat fake peanut butter :(

Michelle said...

I think I'm supposed to vote for the blackberry honey that our bees make (not that they've been making enough to share!), but I really do like buckwheat honey. And I'm fascinated by poison oak, which they were selling at the bee supply place. Doesn't taste any different, but the name is sure exciting!

Teddyree said...

I love peanut butter and honey on toast or fresh bread ... YUM! and I like plain Australian bush honey :)

Roslyn said...

I buy products from
They have edible honey products including the sticks for your tea but also body soaps and creams!
As a child my Mum made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday & we ate them with drizzled honey & a squeeze of lemon juice .

Roslyn said...

I buy products from
They have edible honey products including the sticks for your tea but also body soaps and creams!
As a child my Mum made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday & we ate them with drizzled honey & a squeeze of lemon juice .