Wednesday 14 May 2014

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

We don't all lead the life we want to or are capable of.  For the past six years, Louisa Clark has been happly working at a small cafe.  When her job ends unexpectedly, she is forced out of her safe, comfortable existence and must find a new position to help support her family.

After a tiring search and several false starts, she settles in as the paid companion for Will Traynor, a recent quadriplegic.

Since the accident that put him in the wheelchair, Will can no longer live he life he envisioned for himself,  he is dependent on others for his every need.  Then the whirlwind, otherwise known as Louisa, cones into his life and upsets everything once again.

I started reading late one evening, and after only 60 pages, I was contemplating pulling an all nighter to finish the remaining 300+ pages.  It was only obligations the next morning that sent me to my bed.

Usually, I finish one book and immediately start another.  This time I haven't been able to. I have been pondering the choices that both Louisa and Will made.  Both had to make some very difficult choices with no right or wrong answers, just what they felt in their heart was the correct course.  It really has me thinking about choices I make every day, both the big and small ones.

I want to talk more about this book, though I feel it will give away too much.  I can say that we each need to consider why and for whom we are making our decisions.  It has to be right for you and not made out of fear or due to pressure from outsiders.

This truly is a story unlike others I have read.   It's not only a love story, but one of life itself.

Thanks to author Jojo Moyes for penning such a wonderful story that kept me captivated from beginning to end.

ps. before you start reading, ensure that your tissue box is close at hand, you'll be needing it frequently.

Also reviewed by:

Tracy at Pen and Paper

Thanks to Penguin Canada for use of the cover image.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Very nice review, Heather. I've had this one on my to-be-read pile for some time. Thanks for the tissue box "warning". I'll have to wait until I'm ready for a good cry.