Tuesday 13 May 2014

Needlework Tuesday - In the Planning Stages

 Today has totally gotten away from me.  I started out with the best of intentions, but it went off track pretty quickly.  It has been unusually hot today,  27C (though it feels like 33C with humidity) and I wanted to go for my walk when it was cooler.  I did get in my walk and it was quite enjoyable.  After that, well, things didn't quite go as planned.

As much as I appreciate spontanaity, I am a planner.  I spend hours planning my needlework projects, I don't want surprises creeping up on my after I've purchased supplies and then spent un-told hours cutting and sewing.  As a result, huge numbers of hours spent planning.

Several years ago I purchased the book One-Block Wonders:One Fabric, One Shape, One-of-a- Kind Quilts by Maxine Rosenthal.  I pulled it off my shelf  at the beginning of May and am ready to start planning that quilt.

Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.
 I have two fabrics that I am considering for this quilt, both of which I have sufficient pattern repeats.
 I posted this same question to my online guild and they are leaning toward the second, larger scale print.  What do you think? Please Leave a comment.

 Have you made one of these quilts?  Please leave a link to the photo in Mr. Linky at the end of this post.

A reader asked me what the difference is between a Stack and Whack Quilt and a One Block Wonder.  

Stack and Whack is a technique attributed to Bethany Reynolds.  Both quilts rely on pattern repeats, any where from six to eight, which are  cut and aligned on top of each other.  After the layers are pinned together, the pattern pieces are cut.   With Bethany's technigue, you add other fabrics to the block, with Maxine's design, you only use your theme fabric. 

Follow this link to see how One Block Wonder blocks were used to cover and armchair.

Not done with the planning.  My long awaited order of silk ribbon for embroidery on my stagnant crazy quilt block has arrived.  the colours ar wonderful.  At the very top is the 4mm white, then 4mm  and at the bottom the 7mm colours.

In the same order was a bundle of squares of silk duponi.  I am so looking forward to mixing these into some crazy quilt work.   These are both from RibbonSmyth.

Regardless of the project you are about to undertake, time spent planning is always time well spent.


Tami said...

I am so excited! I had never heard of one fabric quilts. I had to look them up online to get what you were talking about - - - and I can't wait to make one.

I have 8 yards of beautiful fabric that has been sitting in my stash for over 10 years. This sounds like the perfect project.

Now if I can just keep myself from starting it before I finish some other things.

Sandra said...

Wonder what the difference is between these quilts and stack n whack quilts?

Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Both your fabrics are beautiful. But I like the second one best. I'm really fond of bold prints. Have a great day!!

Food for Thought