Tuesday 20 May 2014

Needlework Tuesday - Dirty FIngers from Gardening

I've come up against a slight dilemma.  I actually want to do some gardening this year, but each time I do, I get dirt  worked into my fingers that doesn't want to scrub out.  While I want to do some weeding and planting, I don't want to transfer any dirt to my needlework projects.  Gardening gloves do help, as does scrubbing with a nail brush, but not quite enough when I need to work with white fabric.  Do you have a method that works for you such that you can enjoy both activities.

For the past few years, my local quilt guild has given blocks to our outgoing president.  This year we are making blue and white blocks.  This is by Judy Martin, called "Modern Star and Pinwheel" and is currently free on her blog.

 Needlework Tuesday is a regular weekly post where I share the progress of my various needlework projects over the past week. I enjoy the encouragement that I receive from my readers and in return visit their blogs and cheer them on with theirs. You are welcome to grab the cute little mouse and create your own Needlework Tuesday post. Leave a comment with a link and I'll be sure to visit with you.

 Recently I shared with you this fabric post card and the similar themed Zentangle drawing.  the quilt that inspired both of these, can be found at this post.   i have almost finished putting together a repair kit for Angela, but she needs a practice piece.  Since she does intend to use this quilt on her bed, I thought that a little toss pillow would be a lovely addition and a great way to practice her applique skills.
Have you currently put away your needlework in exchange for gardening time.  I so, what are you growning?  Those who are stitching are invited to visit Mr. Linky below and add a link to your current needlework post.  Either way, I always look forward to and enjoy your comments.


Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Love the blue and white quilt block. Really like the antique flower postcard. As for your "dirty fingers" problem....Have you tried Lava soap. Don't know if you have it there, but it really works on dirty hands. Have a great day!

Food for Thought

Roslyn said...

To keep nails cleaner, try plastering your finger tips with a thick coating of vaseline or something similar before putting on gloves, Heather.

Anonymous said...

That is a truly beautiful block! Very serene!

As for the gardening problem....maybe you could scrub with the kind of soap mechanics use to get grease off their hands. Another thought is that you could wear latex gloves under your gardening gloves. It probably wouldn't be very comfortable on a hot day though.

Kate said...

"Gloves in a Bottle" is great for keeping your hands stain free. So is having a gardener!

Meanwhile, I am knitting my days away. Great weather for knitting in a Muskoka Chair.