Saturday 2 July 2011

Canada Day Read-A-Thon - 1st Update

I had just sat down to read Spin by Catherine McKenzie, and ten minutes later my son calls for a ride home from the gym.  Okay,   I have to pick him up, can't leave him there and there are no buses that come within kilometres of us.  Good thing I have Little Brother by Cory Doctorow on the ipod in the car.  By the time we arrived back home, I have 40 more minutes of that story under my belt.  Homeland security is now involved and there is talk of whether Marcus has been a really bad boy.  (don't want to give away anything here).

Back to Spin.  Kate is now in day 5 at her locked facility and is actually starting to process what she is hearing.

Reading till now:
1 hour audio
1 hour 40 minutes written


John Mutford said...

An audio book is brilliant. I should have thrown one of those into the mix as well so I could "break" and do some chores while still doing the challenge.

Em said...

Her locked facility? Tell me more, I have no idea what the book is about...
What time zone are you in? It's 9pm here, so it must be 5pm or even earlier for you, many more hours of reading waiting for you...

Melwyk said...

I agree, an audiobook is brilliant. Will have to look into that for next time (or log in to my library now for downloads???) Sounds like both books are entertaining & engaging especially for a Readathon.

Em said...

How are you getting on? Still reading?