Friday 22 July 2011

First Nations Friday - Tales of Little Bear and Little Buffalo by Roy Naquin

Little Bear and his cousin Little Buffalo seem to have a knack of finding trouble.  Even when they start out with the best of intentions, unforeseen things happen and they court disaster.  The family are members of the Choctaw-Chitimacha Indians and they live on an island near the southern Louisiana coast a sort distance outside of Houma.

In this book, Roy has recounted stories told to him by his father and grandfather. 

As I sat in a coffee shop this morning reading this book, I burst out in laughter at several of the predicaments that the boys found themselves in.  I supposed that children in any place or time tend to find themselves in the most unlikely of situations.  I could just imagine them looking at each other and agreeing that they can't possibly tell their parents what really happened.

Roy's straight forward story telling made me feel as though I was sitting with my own grandparent hearing his or her remembrances.  Interspersed throughout are several sketches portraying the most memorable scenes.  This is a book that can be enjoyed again and again by both children and their parents.

Roy sent me an email today with details regarding the artwork:
The artist is a good friend of mine her name is Cindy Kieffer.
The cover is actually what I pictured as a child, the rest of the
artwork I sat down with Cindy and explained to her what I wanted her to draw.

My review copy was sent to me courtesy of the author Roy Naquin.

Thank-you to Outskirts Press for the cover photo.

Information on the Choctaw Nation.
Chitimacha Nation of Louisiana.

1 comment:

Amy said...

This sounds like a great story, thanks for sharing!